Jason, Barbie and Alex: 11/22/2009


Fall Update

We have been really busy and I am halfway through a new knitting project so the poor blog has been neglected. I thought I'd do a fall recap to catch things up and since I started this before we went to Florida, there will be another big catch up post coming. We have been spending a lot of time with Logan who is 4 months old now. Alex loves his newest cousin and wanted to bring him home at first but soon decided that he doesn't want one like him at our house. Not ready for a sibling yet! He likes to share his toys with Logan, but gets frustrated when he can't play with him. He is very gentle with him and loves to give him hugs and kisses. I signed Alex and I up for the Parents and 2's swim class at the YMCA. He was way too fearless and adventurous for my liking around Jason's parents pool this summer so I thought it would be a good idea. It was a 6 week course teaching the basics with the parents getting in the pool to help the kids. They learned to reach with their arms, kick their feet, how to spit water out, to float on their backs (not a popular one with any of the kids), use personal flotation devices, getting in and out of the pool without using the steps or ladders all while singing nursery rhymes. It was a lot of fun and by the end of the 6 weeks Alex could swim with a float the entire length of the pool. Jason and his parents took Alex apple picking the 1st weekend in October. I didn't go because the next weekend I took him, my siblings, Logan and my friend Debbi to Wallingford Orchards. We had so much fun. They have an old tractor that the kids can play on and Alex thought he should get to sit on it for as long as he wanted and kept trying to break away from us to get to it. We distracted him with the promise of fresh donuts when we were done picking, it worked. Since we already had several pounds of apples at home, I let Alex pick what he wanted adding a few here and there. He was very serious and specific about what went into the bag going from tree to tree carefully inspecting the fruit. When the bag was full, we checked out and found 50 or 60 people waiting in a very slow moving line for the donuts. We were all tired and Alex wanted to be any where but that line so we got cider and fudge instead. Jason laughed at our haul when we got home. This season yielded the biggest apples in years and every one Alex had picked were no bigger than his fist! Pulling the wagon with Uncle BrianChoosing the "perfect" pumpkinCruising with Momma in the car listening to his favorite song, Party in the USA, by Miley Cyrus. Jason very thoughtfully burned Alex a CD for the car but we only seem to listen to track #9. I hear many requests for "more SA please!!", especially if the song is on the radio first, then we have to listen to the CD. The sunglasses don't slip on his face if he wears them upside down and please excuse the cough at the end of the video.