I thought I was done!
Well, since I haven't posted in a while, I thought I would bring everyone up to date on the baby progress. I am about 8 to 10 weeks along and the first couple of weeks were great, I was just very tired and wanted to sleep all the time. I love sleeping, but nothing got done! Not really a good thing because we are still not unpacked and I now have a 50 min. commute to work both ways and with the sun streaming into the car, mmm, snore, drool. Oh, sorry. Then... the nausea set in. For the most part I just felt woozy and wicked hot all the time. That lasted for about a week. Almost as if a switch had turned on I started dry heaving every morning whether I ate the damn saltines or not and felt on the verge of throwing up the rest of the morning. The afternoons aren't too bad, I almost feel normal, but still get overheated so easily. Then just as I lay down to go to bed whatever I had for dinner would start churning and come right back up. I know that some of the food choices I made were not the best, Denny's and Taco Bell, VERY bad idea, but they tasted so good, at least on the way down.
The last 2 days had been a ray of hope. I was almost through my morning shower on Thursday when I realized that I felt ok, no gagging, even when I brushed my teeth! I had more energy and wanted to eat more than saltines and chicken noodle soup. I didn't let myself get too excited though, it was only one day. Yesterday was a repeat and I let myself start to think I was on the way back up, no more feeling sick. I worked all day and then Jason and I went to do groceries and a few errands. We were at Walmart and stuck in the longest, slowest line there could be, everyone in front of us needed a price check. It was about 7:30 and I hadn't eaten since noon and Jason had sampled some Axe body spray and was smelling like a french whore. As we stood there, I started getting overheated, tired and my back started to hurt, not good signs, but I was doing ok. We finally got out of there and into the fresh air when Jason decided that instead of fixing something at home, he wanted Burger King. I was not feeling not so good, but decided I would just get a salad. We went to the BK that is conviently located in the Walmart parking lot to the drive through. The heat was on in the car and all I could smell was the body spray, I really think it was more than just a dab he said he tried! I realized there was no way I could eat anything from there and didn't order anything. The bag of food came into the car smelling stronger than anything, we pulled away and I lost it. I threw up in the Walmart parking lot.
The last 2 days had been a ray of hope. I was almost through my morning shower on Thursday when I realized that I felt ok, no gagging, even when I brushed my teeth! I had more energy and wanted to eat more than saltines and chicken noodle soup. I didn't let myself get too excited though, it was only one day. Yesterday was a repeat and I let myself start to think I was on the way back up, no more feeling sick. I worked all day and then Jason and I went to do groceries and a few errands. We were at Walmart and stuck in the longest, slowest line there could be, everyone in front of us needed a price check. It was about 7:30 and I hadn't eaten since noon and Jason had sampled some Axe body spray and was smelling like a french whore. As we stood there, I started getting overheated, tired and my back started to hurt, not good signs, but I was doing ok. We finally got out of there and into the fresh air when Jason decided that instead of fixing something at home, he wanted Burger King. I was not feeling not so good, but decided I would just get a salad. We went to the BK that is conviently located in the Walmart parking lot to the drive through. The heat was on in the car and all I could smell was the body spray, I really think it was more than just a dab he said he tried! I realized there was no way I could eat anything from there and didn't order anything. The bag of food came into the car smelling stronger than anything, we pulled away and I lost it. I threw up in the Walmart parking lot.