Jason, Barbie and Alex: 02/25/2007


The Car Accident Trifecta is complete

In a surprising show of solidarity with Christine, Barbie got into a minor accident Tuesday. This hopefully will bring the car accident trifecta to an end so we can all stop before someone shoots an eye out.

Yes, Barbie is fine. You think I would be writing a joking blog post if she wasn’t? Alex is fine too. The worst part is that her inspection is up in like one day, so I have to fix her car now.
Here’s what happened(or at least what Barbie told me):

She was head North West on Lisbon street, into the heart of Lewiston as shown on this map.
You can see the two malls to give you some bearings.

As she crested the hill, she saw that there was a car turning into a driveway and a car directly behind them, slowing down rapidly. She applied brakes, and started to slide. When she realized she wasn’t going to stop in time, she swerved to her left, and ended up just clipping them.