Jason, Barbie and Alex: Easter



We spent the Easter weekend down in Foxboro with the Kennedy clan and had a great time. It was so good to see everyone. Since most of the people who read this blog have already blogged about it and were there, I won't go into too much detail. Plus I left my camera at the hotel, need to get better about that. Anyway, Jason's mom and Christine threw us a baby shower on Saturday, what a blast! I can't wait to see Alex in the clothes that everyone got for him. He will be the best dressed baby in our neighborhood! Not sure what he'll look like when he grows out of all the cool clothes and has to wear the stuff his mom and dad pick out, should be interesting. I'm thinking tee shirts and wind pants if dad has his say : ) I want to thank Will for trying out the little truck for Alex, quality control of course! Oh, and for tiring Gizmo out so much that he didn't get up until noon today.

Because we were gone for the weekend, I stopped by my mom's house on the way home from work tonight to visit and we had a re-enactment of Easter dinner. My mom is so excited about Alex, he will be her first real grandchild. The others all have 4 legs and fur and I think she's getting tired of showing off pictures of our pets and not babies. We had a great visit, but Alex is so stubborn. She wanted to see or feel him moving, but as soon as she would look over or put her hand on my belly, he would stop squirming. I told her he was just getting her back for not being here all winter! He won't be able to hide for much longer. We are having the ultrasound tomorrow to see how big he actually is and I will post the details.


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