Free form blog
I haven't written a post in a while. Barbie has been keeping everyone up to date, so I haven't felt a pressing need. But I'm bored, so a little update on my life
The blizzard:
About a week ago, we got hammered by the blizzard, I know, old news. Hey, at least I'm not reporting on Anna Nicole Smith. BTW- I realized watching the news coverage of Anna Nicole Smith that 24 hour news TV is straigh up garbage. Worthless.
Anywho...This resulted in an intresting last few says of work. I worked my second to last day of the shift, went to a hotel down the road, got up, got dressed, and went back to work for a nice 17 hour shift. In a 36 Hour period, I spent 28 at work on the clock. Uggh.
Here's me in as Artic Commando Jay©
And here is the parking lot outside work, right around 5 pm. I ended up shoveling the walk every hour just to make sure it kept clean . I felt bad for the plow guy. He never left. He did the front, then the back, then back to the front.
Well, school has been off and on. I got two B's in my last two classes. I really didn't like my programming teacher. Actually, I didn't like the teacher or the class. We covered the most basic programming, it was real boring. Oh, and for our team project, my team dropped the class, so the 5 person assignment became a two person assignment. Did he shorten it? Lessen the requirements? Nope.
Then I got back to the business classes, and the current one is project management. It's actually not too bad. I thought it was pointless, but now I'm actually feeling like I'm learning again. And next is my database class, which should be good.
Well, thats enough for now. I'll try to post something good soon =)
The blizzard:
About a week ago, we got hammered by the blizzard, I know, old news. Hey, at least I'm not reporting on Anna Nicole Smith. BTW- I realized watching the news coverage of Anna Nicole Smith that 24 hour news TV is straigh up garbage. Worthless.
Anywho...This resulted in an intresting last few says of work. I worked my second to last day of the shift, went to a hotel down the road, got up, got dressed, and went back to work for a nice 17 hour shift. In a 36 Hour period, I spent 28 at work on the clock. Uggh.
Here's me in as Artic Commando Jay©
And here is the parking lot outside work, right around 5 pm. I ended up shoveling the walk every hour just to make sure it kept clean . I felt bad for the plow guy. He never left. He did the front, then the back, then back to the front.
Well, school has been off and on. I got two B's in my last two classes. I really didn't like my programming teacher. Actually, I didn't like the teacher or the class. We covered the most basic programming, it was real boring. Oh, and for our team project, my team dropped the class, so the 5 person assignment became a two person assignment. Did he shorten it? Lessen the requirements? Nope.
Then I got back to the business classes, and the current one is project management. It's actually not too bad. I thought it was pointless, but now I'm actually feeling like I'm learning again. And next is my database class, which should be good.
Well, thats enough for now. I'll try to post something good soon =)
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