Jason, Barbie and Alex: Winter Wonderland?


Winter Wonderland?

Yesterday all the talk was about the coming storm, patients were cancelling and everyone was agreeing this would be the worst storm of the season. I was starting to get nervous. Jason was nervous. I have an hour commute to work now, was not really enthused about driving in this crap and am not a great driver in the snow. However I was not getting much sympathy from some people at work, "It's just snow, we live in Maine, get over it", while others thought I should just stay home. We do have an extra person, so they wouldn't be short. What to do? My worry was that I could get to work but not be able to get back. Now I had offers of places to stay and there is a hotel near the office, but I didn't want to chance it. I just wanted to be at home and safe. Is that so wrong?

Jason's employer offered to get them hotel rooms so he stayed in Augusta. He called me and asked that I stay home, so I decided that would be the best thing to do. However when I called to report my absence I got a very sarcastic, "Well, I figured this would happen, see you tomorrow." I already felt guilty about not going in and this did not help. I took my car over to Barb and Richard's house to park it as we still have parking issues. Thank you both again! As I slid around the road I felt better about the decision I had made. The roads were very greasy. I will admit I am a wuss, but why do people feel the need to to really rub it in? This is the first time in almost 8 years at the same job that I have not made it in during a storm. Doesn't that count for something? Thank you for letting me rant.


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