Jason, Barbie and Alex: I hate germs!!!


I hate germs!!!

For the last week I have been fighting off a cold. It got me. One of the guys I work with had it last week and I really tried to stay away from him. I washed my hands, didn't touch my face and used at least a gallon of antibacterial hand sanitizer. However said guy wanders all over the office and uses my copier, so I guess it was inevitable. I was sent home from work today because I looked so terrible. I was ok in the morning, but then I had a sneezing fit that wouldn't stop. The middle of my face was/is bright red and my eyes were almost swollen shut, not really what you want to see at the front desk of a doctors office! I am so glad that I have this now and not in 42 days! When I got home Jason got me a glass of water, tissues, cough drops, the remote and tucked me into bed. Isn't he sweet and wonderful! Thank-you Baby!


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