Jason, Barbie and Alex: "I love humanity"


"I love humanity"

Don't you love it when you go out and you encounter someone that makes you feel completely normal?! We were at Applebee's spending the huge Christmas bonus that Jason got, a gift certificate. It was late, the restaurant was quiet and we had just gotten our drinks, when in walked our entertainment for the evening. Two tables down sat a man and woman, who we think were on their first date. She began talking at a decibel higher than every one in the place and never stopped. I still am not sure he ever had the chance to reply. We felt bad for him and thought about offering him a ride or some way out. It began with the normal likes and dislikes and quickly went to more personal things. She told him her family is from many different heritages, so she is a mutt. She said that she doesn't believe in religion, but Paganism really interests her and that when she gets married she wants to have a big Catholic wedding??!! But then again she is already 33, so she isn't sure it will ever happen. She also thinks that dancing is very sexy and at her wedding she and her new husband will do a choreographed waltz that includes the whole wedding party. She then went on to explain that she had made a poor error in judgment when she was young and desperate and in college. At this point I was feeling a little guilty, but wanted to hear more! We missed a few pieces of the conversation, the waitress came with our check, but we did hear frat house, money and that she had taken care of things. We passed on dessert, neither of us thought we could take any more, and burst out laughing as soon as we got outside. I'm glad I never went on a date like that!


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