Jason, Barbie and Alex: Party All The Time!


Party All The Time!

This weekend I helped my brother and sister celebrate their birthdays. My brother, Brian, turned the big *30* and my sister, Brenda, turned 26. I think my mom planned it that way so it would be easier on her, less dates to remember. Really it was just a coincidence! We went out for Chinese food and then went back to my mom and her fiance, John's, house for dessert. My mom doesn't make them cakes, neither one eats it, so we had birthday apple pie and Boston cream pie. Yummy! Jason was working and my mom's dog, Sugar, doesn't like Gizmo,
so I had to go alone, but I did bring home dessert for them. We had a great time and got to hear the yearly story of each of their births and how time has flown by and my mom can't believe she has a 30 year old son. My brother was very sick when he was born, they didn't think he was going to make it and he had a hard time eating for the first year. He has sure made up for it, he's 6'7" now and very healthy. When I was younger I used to get a small present on their birthdays because I didn't understand why they got something and I didn't. I miss those days! Tuesday night we went to my dad's house for further celebration and tacos. I did get to bring Gizmo with me this time and my dad, Bruce, had a blast with him. They played ball and ran around outside, they were both pooped! There is no picture of June, my dad's wife here, she doesn't like to have her picture taken, but I'll try again. I also got to see my grandmother, Betty, who is one of my favorite people in the world. She always wears her apron and she loves to cook. She is the one who started the tradition of getting me the Happy Holidays Barbie for Christmas every year. I now have a collection of about 35-40 Barbies, all still in their boxes. It was a very busy week!


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