Jason, Barbie and Alex: A blog vacation


A blog vacation

Yup, blog's been kinda dead lately. It's just been kinda crazy couple of months. But not crazy in any sort of intresting way, just run of the mill, 2 working stiffs with a kid crazy.

But C'est la vie. So, lets see...hmmmmm.
*streaches blogging muscles*
*you don't want to know*

Ah, so here's somthing- Alex is about done with his tubes. Yup, he was a little run down last week with a fever. So, fearing swine flu might make his arms fall off, we (and by we I mean Barbie... I love you honey=) ) took Alex to the doctor. Well, lo and behold, he had a double ear infection(no swine flu). And the doc, using a doctor tool(again, I wasn't there) removed one of his tubes. I guess it had been loitering around his ear canal.

According to Barbie, it looked like it was caked in honey.

Lets just assume, for the sake of not gagging, that it was, in fact, honey.

Anyway, the other one, I guess, was still soldiering on. However, it appeared to be clogged, perhaps with honey. So if it doesn't unclog or fall out....

Well, Alex is gonna not like it.


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