Jason, Barbie and Alex: Merry Christmas!!! (part one)


Merry Christmas!!! (part one)

We started our holiday celebrations last Saturday at my aunt and uncle's house in Turner. Jason gave Alex a candy cane on the way, it made for a very cute picture, but a big mess. Alex and my cousin's little girl, Autumn, played with the train under the tree and then chased balloons around the living room. They had so much fun together. After Alex opened his first present, he wasn't interested in anything else. He got a dog shaped xylophone/piano from his great Grammie and loved it. He jumped impatiently while we tried desperately to get it out of the packaging. I don't know what the toy manufacturers were thinking, but those toys are hard to get to. Just when you think that you have it free, there is another set of wires. One toy was even screwed to the packaging! After we left my aunt and uncles house we went to my brother and sisters house to have Christmas with my mom. We were supposed to do it Sunday at our house, but because of the storm we decided to move up the party. My mom got Alex a tool box that unfolds to a tool bench, the boys loved it. We did it early because my mom and her husband, John, left for New Zealand on Christmas Eve.
Our next party was Christmas Eve at Jason's aunt and uncles house in Raymond. They have a beautiful place in the woods with lots of antiques from around the world. I was afraid that Alex would break something, luckily he didn't. He had a great time playing with Jason's cousins little boy. Garek loves hockey and Alex loves any sport that involves balls and they invented a new game. They were both on the treadmill with ping pong paddles. I couldn't quite make out the rules, but it involved shoving the balls under the treadmill, asking someone to retrieve them and then pushing them back under all while laughing hysterically. I have no idea, but they were cute! I wish I'd had my camera.


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