Sick of Being Sick
Sorry for the long delay, but we literally have been sick for the last month so here is our catch up. Note that most of the pics of Alex are in his pj's. I think we wore pj's more than regular clothes in January! Alex is now 21 months old and had his 18 month well child check on Jan. 9th. We're a little behind on the Dr's appointments due to all of his ear problems last year. There were a couple of times that he had a fever and couldn't get shots. He weighs about 25 pounds (just under 50th percentile) and is almost 3 feet tall (just over 50th pct). I don't have an accurate weight because in order to weigh him, I had to take his shoes off and he is very particular about his shoes. If he can see them, they must be on his feet. He was mad and wouldn't stand or sit on the scale long enough for it to settle on one number. The rest of the exam was done with him holding a shoe under each arm until it was time to put them back on. He is stubborn!
The following Monday, Alex was hit with the nasty stomach bug that had been making its rounds through the daycare. Poor kid, I found him covered in vomit and diarrhea and had to put him right in the tub. We stayed home, he slept a lot and needed 2 more baths before the day was over. He seemed much better by evening and even went back to daycare Tuesday. The charming thing about this stomach bug is that it keeps coming back. The daycare called around 11am on Thursday to say that I had to get Alex as he had blown through his entire outfit. When I picked him up I learned that he couldn't come back the next day either. The child is supposed to be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to daycare and they had a list of 7 kids that were banned for Friday.
Jason and I both caught the bug over the weekend, but everyone was fine again by Monday to go to work and daycare. The next few days were quiet and every one seemed to be getting better. But by last Sunday I was feeling sick again and had to stay home Monday. Luckily my wonderful sister was on vacation and she took Alex for the day. It sounds like they had a great time. He played with the cats and dogs and went to my cousins basketball game that afternoon. She said he had a blast at the game. He wanted to sit next to her, not in her lap, on the bleachers and he cheered the whole time. He is such a sports nut!
We visited with the Theriault's on Super Bowl weekend and celebrated Christine and Mike's birthdays. Barb and Diane had gotten a huge bunch of balloons that Ally and Alex hit around while Evan crawled around with them and tried not to get stepped on. They played with those balloons for hours and had so much fun. Jason had a cold and was feeling under the weather and I was starting to feel the cold coming on too, so we were not much fun. We went home during half time of the Super Bowl and all went to bed. Jason was feeling better by the start of the week, but the cold knocked me down. I have been coughing for almost 2 weeks and am just starting to feel better.
I thought that we had made it through all the sickness, but on Tuesday morning at 8:15am I got a call from the daycare. Alex had a case of gastric distress, was covered in diarrhea from his neck down into his shoes, could I please come get him and no, he can't come back tomorrow. The whole no symptoms for 24 hours rule again. I wanted to cry, I was so frustrated. I understand why they have the rules. They need to keep bugs from spreading and several kids were already out sick. I had only been at work for about 45 min., it takes me 55 min. to get there. I missed 4 days in January between Alex and I being sick and now I had to add another 2. Plus the daycare is closed next week for school vacation and I only have 3 of the 5 days covered so I might have to take 2 more days off. Arrrgggghhhhh!
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